
Gusarova, A

All Artworks by Gusarova, A

Anna Gusarova


Anna Gusarova is Ukrainian artist based in Kiev.

She was born and raised in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, graduated from Dnepropetrovsk College of Art and Theater in 2010, then from Kiev National Academy of Architecture and Fine Art in 2014 (painting specialization, studio of artist Guida).


She has had exhibitions in Ukraine, Italy. Her paintings always show the unique of the country, different culture and people.


      “Thank’s to the Art I want to show unusual side of the world’s beauty, beauty of fillings and impressions. I take inspirations

 from the nature and people. I like to find important details, opening conception and essence of things. It’s the way to show my

 attitude to everything that amazed me and don’t leave indifferent – children, men, war or happiness, nature or simple things such as cup of coffee…”




2013 – “La Citta”, Gallery “Mi Piace Firenze”, (Florence – Italy)




2015 – Christmas Ukrainian exhibition, National Union of Artists of Kiev, (Kiev – Ukraine)


2014 – Finall exhibition of contest “Krishtaleva palіtra”, Getmanstva Museum, (Kiev – Ukraine)

           And the 3-d place with object “Relativity of perception”


– Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine,

            Exhibition “Theory of Perception” (Kiev – Ukraine)


– Ukrainian exhibition for the Day of the Artist,

  National Union of Artists of Kiev, (Kiev – Ukraine)


2013 – “Triennale of Painting”, National Union of Artists of Kiev, (Kiev – Ukraine)


– ” На Питерской ” Gallery, (Kiev – Ukraine)